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The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) is aimed at improving accessibility for individuals with disabilities. The goal of this act is to create an inclusive and accessible society through the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers for people with disabilities. To achieve this objective, businesses and organizations are required to comply with applicable accessibility standards and make efforts to remove barriers that may hinder the full participation of individuals with disabilities.
Mister Safety Shoes is committed to promoting accessibility by meeting the objectives and requirements outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “AODA”). We aim to provide and maintain a working environment that is based on respect for the dignity and independence of all our team members, clients, customers, and other partners to the organization.
The AODA — Accessible Customer Service Standards Policy covers the accessibility standard for customer service. As a company, Mister Safety Shoes is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities.
We also support the goal of the Ontario government to make Ontario barrier-free by 2025 through the implementation of accessibility standards for persons with disabilities, as detailed in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
The accessibility standard is a set of guidelines that Mister Safety Shoes must follow to identify, remove, and prevent barriers for customers with disabilities. Please see below for a summary of principles that guide and inform the act.
To support this Policy’s guiding principles and requirements, Mister Safety Shoes has developed procedures and guidelines in the following areas:
Mister Safety Shoes will make every reasonable effort to accommodate persons with disabilities following this Policy’s guiding principles.
Mister Safety Shoes will ensure that we’re prepared to serve customers with various assistive devices that may be used by persons with disabilities while accessing our goods and/or services, provided the accommodation does not present a safety hazard, in which case staff will make every reasonable attempt to accommodate all individuals.
Mister Safety Shoes allows and welcomes customers with disabilities and their service animals, provided the accommodation does not present a safety hazard or is otherwise excluded by law, in which case staff will make every reasonable attempt to accommodate all individuals.
Service animals and support persons are permitted to enter our premises that are open and accessible to third parties or the public, and in all situations where a disabled customer requires the service animal and support person to access Mister Safety Shoes goods and services.
If it’s not readily apparent that the animal is a service animal, Mister Safety Shoes may ask the customer with disabilities for a letter from a professional health practitioner confirming that they require the animal for reasons relating to the disability.
It’s the customer’s responsibility to ensure that their service animal is in control at all times.
As such, if Mister Safety Shoes encounters any disruption to our facilities and services that are in place for persons with disabilities or if our premises can’t be opened to the public for some reason, Mister Safety Shoes will ensure the following:
Under the AODA, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) mandates that Mister Safety Shoes create, implement, uphold, and document a multi-year accessibility plan. The purpose of this plan is to outline our approach to preventing and eliminating barriers for individuals with disabilities in accordance with the IASR requirements. The following accessibility standards are relevant to our operations –
In accordance with the requirements of the AODA and IASR, Mister Safety Shoes will review and update the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan every 5 years, with the most recent update being completed in 2023.
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation
Mister Safety Shoes is committed to promoting accessibility by meeting the objectives and requirements outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “AODA”).
Actions Taken
Establishment of Accessibility Policy
In accordance with the IASR, the Accessibility Policy was developed to address how Mister Safety Shoes will achieve accessibility and meet with the requirements of the IASR. The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan was developed in accordance with the regulation, and it outlines our strategy to address the current and future accessibility goals.
Training in the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities is provided to all employees during the new hire orientation process and on an ongoing basis when changes are made to relevant policies and procedures.
Mister Safety Shoes is committed to providing access to our facilities and delivering excellent service at all times in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all of our clients and visitors.
Actions Taken
Establishment of Accessibility Policy
Development of the Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities policy: AODA – Accessible Customer Service Standards, which is available on the company intranet and external website. Our policy outlines the following components within the framework of accessibility:
Mister Safety Shoes is committed to ensuring that company and product information, as well as feedback processes, are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Actions Taken
Processes for receiving and responding to feedback are made accessible to individuals with disabilities. Currently, feedback can be submitted by sending an email to our dedicated teams, calling to speak to our dedicated teams, or by speaking directly to someone in our stores.
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
When a request for accessible formats or communication supports is made, these materials will be prepared and delivered in a timely manner, with consideration of individualized accessibility needs, and at no extra cost above what is charged to other persons.
Planned Action
Accessible Websites and Web Content
Any new Mister Safety Shoes website will conform with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”) 2.0, Level A increasing to Level AA. Additionally, ability to comply with AODA will be incorporated into the selection criteria for vendors for technology, website, and software development initiatives.
Emergency Procedure, Plans, or Public Safety Information
Any information pertaining to public safety that is prepared by Mister Safety Shoes and made available to the public will be made accessible with communication supports available, upon request.
Mister Safety Shoes is dedicated to providing an equitable and inclusive workplace for all team members by ensuring accessibility throughout the employment cycle.
Actions Taken
Recruitment, Assessment or Selection Process
During the recruitment, assessment, or selection process, we emphasize that accommodation options are readily available for applicants with disabilities. In our communications with candidates, we proactively share information about the availability of accommodations during the entirety of the hiring process, assuring that candidate requests are accommodated, when possible.
Notice to Successful Applicants and Informing Employees of Supports
When extending an offer of employment, we inform applicants about our approach to accessibility and the process to request accommodation due to a disability. On a recurring basis, we also review and inform our existing and new team members of policies supporting employees with disabilities by sharing them on a multitude of platforms.
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees
If requested, we provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for information that is readily available to all or deemed necessary for an employee to perform their job duties.
Workplace Emergency Response Information
If made aware of the need to devise accommodations in this regard, workplace emergency response information is provided to the employee as soon as possible, with consideration to individualized needs.
Documented Individual Accommodation Plans
Mister Safety Shoes is committed to accommodating people with disabilities and has a documented Individual Accommodation Plan process in place that details the following steps in identifying and meeting employee accommodation needs:
Return to Work Process
Mister Safety Shoes is committed to supporting employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and has a documented Return to Work process in place that details the following steps to help employees who require accommodation to return to work:
Performance Management, Career Development and Redeployment
Mister Safety Shoes will consider the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans when we:
Examples of these considerations may include:
Mister Safety Shoes is committed to creating spaces that enhance accessibility through thoughtful design and construction.
Planned Action
When building or making major modifications to public spaces, Mister Safety Shoes will meet the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces.
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
Mister Safety Shoe’s is committed to making written information and other forms of communication accessible, upon request. When a request for an accessible format is received, Mister Safety Shoes will:
For a copy of the accessibility policy or multi-year accessibility plan in an accessible format, please contact us by, please contact us using the feedback process below.
The ultimate goal of Mister Safety Shoes is to meet and surpass customer expectations while servicing customers with disabilities. Comments on our services regarding how well those expectations are being met are welcome and appreciated. Feedback regarding the way Mister Safety Shoes provides goods and services to person with disabilities can be made by email, verbally, or in writing. All feedback should be directed to:
Mister Safety Shoes
2300 Finch Ave. W. Unit 6
Toronto, Ontario M9M 2Y3
We are committed to developing customer service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will be made to this policy before considering the impact on persons with disabilities. Any policy of Mister Safety Shoes that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities will be modified or removed.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework through which Mister Safety Shoes can achieve service excellence for people with disabilities. If anyone has questions about this policy, please contact: Mister Safety Shoes at